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2nd Meeting:
Training in Lisbon
2nd Meeting:
Training in Lisbon

8 -10 January 2024, Lisbon

The second meeting of the No One Forgotten team took place in Lisbon and was hosted by local organisation Vo’Arte, with the partners Supercluster from Belgium, the Academy of Fine Arts Naples from Italy, Hope Art and Action Synergy from Greece.

Day One: Management Meeting

Day Two: Training by Hopeart and Voarte



Day Three: Training by Abana and Supercluster





The initiative’s goal is to harness the dynamic potential within the arts to create a more inclusive society, where individuals with disabilities can engage with and contribute to the cultural fabric. “The Art of Connection” is the methodological heart of this project, offering tools for people in healthcare environments to connect and create alongside others, enhancing social skills, fostering compassion, and nurturing co-creative capacities.

Artists from various disciplines – theatre, music, painting, and dance – are equipped through this training to act as multipliers of change, carrying forward the principles learned into their communities. The program targets not just professional artists but also amateurs who are passionate about using their art to make a difference.

Through days of shared experiences, from the initial meet-and-greet to the immersion in different forms of artistic expression, the participants have embarked on a transformative journey. As they return to their respective countries, they carry with them not just the skills, but also the spirit of the “Art of Connection,” ready to inspire and be inspired by the communities they engage with.

For further details on the “No-One Forgotten” project visit the official website.

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